Number 2
Garancière street dominated by a chapel of St. Sulpice in encorbellement.
Number 3
Francisque Gay
1885 - 1963
Founder Editor of Dawn and of Catholic life. Paris deputy, Vice-President of the Council, Ambassador of France. Habitat house and the anima from 1914 to 1954.
Number 4
In this house was born Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand - Périgord (1754-1838). General agent of the clergy, Bishop of Autun, member of the Constituent Assembly, Minister of External Relations Board, the Consulate, the Empire and the Restoration, President of the Provisional Government of France in 1814, ambassador in London in 1830. "I've never in a hurry, and yet I am always arrived on time."
(Prince de Talleyrand)
Number 8
Hotel Sourdéac
It's a mansion, built in 1646 on the site of the former hotel Garancière to René de Rieux, bishop-count of Léon in Brittany.
The hotel was later acquired by Henri Plon, printer of Napoleon III, and served as the headquarters of the Plon library until 1988.
The hotel was inscrir as historical monuments October 20, 1928.